The partnership between school and home is very important at Star Academy and we provide many ways for parents to be informed and involved in their child’s education. 
Communication begins with initial assessments, once students are accepted.  The results are reported to parents, along with conclusions about the students’ strengths and needs, what specialist services are recommended, and what academic groupings are most appropriate.
Parents also participate in annual IEP or ID meetings with representatives from the students’ teaching team, where goals are determined, and achievement is monitored.  Formal Family/Teacher conferences are held twice each year, in October and April and report cards are sent home in January and June. 
Classroom teachers send out regular classroom eNewsletters that address what their students are learning each week, as well as any special activities in which they have participated.  At any time throughout the school year, parents can contact teachers and specialists by phone or email if they have a specific question or concern.
Star also offers a free Speaker Series throughout the year that addresses several topics and issues specific to families with children who have learning differences such as Conservatorship, Life After High School, ADHD Updates, Family Dynamics, Social Relationships, and Cyber-Safety.  Star also maintains a library of books and resource materials that are available to parents.
Our Star Family Association also offers many opportunities for parents to socialize and learn from each other, providing peer support and sharing to families who face unique challenges and concerns. A parent coffee is scheduled once a month for parents to get together and connect with each other.