List of 9 members.

  • Photo of Sheila Reilly, M.A.

    Sheila Reilly, M.A. 

    Head of School
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  • Photo of Jen Sabo

    Jen Sabo 

    Assistant Head of School
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  • Photo of Erin Grucz

    Erin Grucz 

    Director of Curriculum & Instruction
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  • Photo of Tamara Greenleaf

    Tamara Greenleaf 

    Post-High School Coordinator
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  • Photo of Jaime Craine, M.A.

    Jaime Craine, M.A. 

    Director of Admissions
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  • Photo of Maggie Coburn

    Maggie Coburn 

    Director of Finance & HR
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  • Photo of Lisa Keene

    Lisa Keene 

    Director of Marketing & Interim Director of Development
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  • Photo of Danielle Danio

    Danielle Danio 

    Administrative Assistant
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  • Photo of Jessica Brewster

    Jessica Brewster 

    Business Office Assistant
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